QUICK selling apartments location close to Seminyak Kuta Denpasar

Priced For a Quick Sale

Located close to Seminyak, Kuta and Denpasar, this apartment complex is managed by a professional and competent company.

To see the photos and information : Clik Here

From investment point of view, the price of this apartment will raise fast. It is possible to double your money in just a few short years, this is because the property in on the main road, adjacent to Sunset Road - one the most expensive areas in Bali.

In a very good condition and well maintained, this apartment has 2 bedrooms,1 bathroom, kitchen and lounge, and a veranda.

As the owner, you have the right to stay up to 21 days per year.

Priced for a quick sale: IDR 1.1 Billion (down from 1.25 Billion).

 Ask Us About this Property : Contact Here
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