Adsense Mantap Luar Biasa Tetapi Belum Banyak Yang Tahu

Kali ini saya akan share saah satu adsense alternatif yaitu Mungkin belum banyak yang tau maka dengan itu saya beri judul posting kali ini adalah Adsense Mantap Luar Biasa Tetapi Belum Banyak Yang Tahu

Ya Adapun beberapa unggulanya yaitu :
Promote ur clickbank affiliate Achieve your TARGETS For advertaiser
Unique real & targeted visitors for your websites
Make $$$ from spaces in ur website or blog 
Tapi yang pengen saya kasih tau adalah untuk Publishers ProgramWhat is the Publishers Program? is a contextual advertising network based on content targeting ads. The Publishers Program is an easy way for webmasters, website owners and bloggers of all sizes to earn money by displaying related ads on their websites or blogs. The program is free and pays you for all valid clicks and impressions on the ads on your site. You simply paste an HTML code into your web pages and ads will instantly start appearing. Advertisers will bid against each other for your ad space and our ads serving system will always display the highest bidders ads, those that will generate the maximum revenue for your advertising space.

Berikut adalah peraturan yang harus di patuhi oleh para Pengiklan yang mendaftar di sana

Semua yang di bawah langsung saya coopipaste dari web Resminya agar pembaca lebih jelas dalam memahaminya. Silahlahkan di simak dengan teliti
How do I sign up as Publisher?

To get started, you must own a website then you can complete the Publishers sign-up form. Click here to sign up.
Please Note: To get your account approved make sure to :

1- Generate at least one Ads Code and add it to your website, in less than 24 hours from the time you signe up with us.
2- Put the Ads Code in the main page of the VERY SAME website that is in your profile with us.

What can get my account declined or suspended?

Any of the following can get your account declined or suspended:

* Clicking on the Ads or asking others to click by seducing them in anyway or by participating with any PTC (Pay To Click) program.
* Displaying our Ads on prohibited websites, such as adult gambling lottery or any illegal websites.
*Sining up with one website and displaying our ads on a different website. You can display our Ads on any number of websites that you own, however you also MUST display the Ads on the very same website that is in your profile with us.
* Having more than one account with us, both the accounts will be suspended.
* Previously having a suspended account with us, however if you are having a declined account you still can apply for a new account.
* Mismatching any of your details like name address and phone, which are registered with us, with your details in your PayPal account
* Displaying our Ads on pages with little text or pages not related to your website, or pages just meant for displaying Ads.
* Displaing more than 3 Ad unites on one same page.
* Having redirection or so many popups.
* Removing our Ads Code totally from all your websites
* Not displaying our Ads on the very same website that is in your profile with us.
* Putting our Ads on a free websites, this may be accepted if the domain that is linked to the free website is a paid domain name.
* Putting our Ads on a place that is hardly visible to the visitors or the Ads are covered by any thing.
* Suspended and decliend accounts neither get paid nor their emails get answered.      

How does decide which ads get displayed? will always display the highest bidders on your site, assuring the maximum revenue possible at any given time. You will see a constant improvement in your earning over time.        

How quickly will ads start appearing on my site?

Once you create an account, login to your account. Then, from left menu click on Integration Tools -> Web Ad Code then from top right click on Create New Ad Code, to generate the ads code. Make sure to leave the field “Filler Contents URL” empty, copy the HTML code that was generated and paste it in any space on your website or blog whereever you want to show ads. The ads will start appearing instantly.     

Can I sign up with a Facebook account or YouTube account?

NO, you can not sign up with account from free websites. 

Can I show ads on more than one site?

Yes, you can show ads on any number of websites or blogs. And you do not need to create a separate ad units for each website or blog. You can use the very same ad units you create at any number of websites and/or blogs. You are also free to create different ad units and different channels.

Can I place more than one ad on a page?

Yes, but you should not place more than 3 ad unites per page.

Can I alter the HTML code?

No. You should paste the HTML code into your web pages without making any modifications.

Can I cancel my Publisher account?

You can cancel your account anytime simply by removing the HTML Code from your website. no payment will be issued to anyone removing the ad codes.
How are payments made?

Payments are sent via PayPal on a monthly basis, within 30 days after the end of each calendar month

When do I get paid? will issue payment 30 days after the end of each month that your earning balance is US $10.00 or more. If your account's balance is not $10.00 at the end of a month, the balance will be carried over into the next month and paid out once you have earned $10.00 or more.
Example : If you made your first $10 in January, you will be paid by end of February.

What if I have questions?

Should you encounter any problems or have any questions, you can get in touch via the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page in your member area.

Adapun Contoh Iklan Dari ada di bawah. Tampilan iklanya cukup menarik dan  apabila pengunjung blog kalian dari Manca negara kemungkinan mendapatkan click SANGAT BESAR SEKALI.
Bagi yang tertarik silahkan mencobanya. Sekian dan terima kasih
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